Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Four of Swords - The Antidote to Self-Doubt - The Authentic Turn-On

Tomorrow I have an ultra sound. I've been stressing about it, along with the impending Winter, which of course is such a useless waste of my energy. I get frustrated and impatient with myself when I worry, and start spinning my wheels.
So after some reflective reading I've come to a more peaceful place in my mind, and am feeling better in knowing I can trust myself to be strong and overcome my self-doubt.

Something I received this morning was these wise words of Regena Thomashauer ( Mama Gena ). I don't know where she finds this wisdom, but I am grateful she does because her words, are timely and much appreciated. The email was about the antidote to self-doubt, and this morning I drew the Four of Swords, that indicates the following. characteristic behaviours.
  • Inner reflection
  • Balance
  • Clarity of thought
  • Wholeness
  • Contemplation
  • Letting go
  • Introspection
  • Inner vision

Here is what Regena Thomashauer means by having an authentic turn-on, and it is the antidote to self-doubt.

"But the experience of authentic turn-on goes much, much deeper:
  • You feel a sense of your own aliveness and your life force
  • You know that your spirit and your body are one
  • Your native enthusiasm is intact
  • Your ability to reach for pleasure is on—especially when it seems hard
  • You’re in your right mind and your highest power
  • You’re you—full, complete and whole
Once planted in her authentic turn-on, a woman begins to grow. Kind of like the way you just trust a tree to grow.

A turned on woman learns she can deeply trust herself. She pays attention to her desires, and treats them as her road map.

Indecision vaporizes.

She can truly feel her deep yes and her deep no.
She relaxes into the unknown, rather than forcing or muscling her way through life.
She knows she can handle obstacles, and understands that each one forces her to expand in new ways.
She experiences the divine in everything, especially herself.

Within you, within me and within each woman is the source of our own power. 

She is our antidote to shame, and the wellspring of our deepest intuition.
She is our divinity, our spiritual center, the timeless point of our attraction, and our power source.
She teaches us that our joy is serious business.
She is anchored to our truth.
She teaches us our unshakable confidence."

The divinity and our spiritual center Regena Thomashauer speaks of, is The Empress, the Great Earth Mother.


Ellen said...

Beautiful and so true
"She can truly feel her deep yes and her deep no." This is something I am focusing on right now
I hope everything goes well with your ultrasound tomorrow. I will be thinking of you my dear friend

Unknown said...

This really struck me Ellen because I had just finished reading your post about this very thing!

Thank you dear friend <3
Well I'm letting it go like a kite, and not going to pull back the string!